Baby Swim Program

What you can expect:

  • We recommend starting babies in swim lessons from 5months, any earlier than that, they really don’t learn alot. We give you the first months lessons FREE on enrolment.
  • Our Baby Program developed over seven decades is the most advanced, relaxed method for your baby to be introduced to the water, submerge and be happy about it.
  • Our unique approach ensures baby will feel comfortable and confident in the water.
  • The emphasis is on baby trusting the water will hold them up and controlling breathing.
  • With only three babies in a lesson it allows the Instructor to work with parents so they understand the simplicity and logic of our baby program.
  • Our downloadable Home Development Program will really help you understand how to prepare your baby for swimming lessons and what to do with your baby at bath or shower time.

What our customers say about us

Ready for your child to learn to swim?

Ready for your child to learn to swim?

Start your child's lessons today and enjoy peace of mind knowing your child can swim.